Saturday, January 12, 2008


When I look in the mirror....the person I see is so gorgeous. I mean really, can it get much better. The second I wake up in the morning I look good, alot of women can't say that.


I am not happy.

I'm being completely honest with myself, and you, when I say that. I'm not happy with the girl that I look at in the mirror. America, my life is an absolute mess right now and it's going to take a miracle to fix it. I won't go into detail, ya'll know that's not really how I get down but hopefully it won't be like this for long. I have a lot of things I would like to accomplish in a short amount of time and I am pretty fuckin determined to get it all done. On a lighter note....I got a 4.0 this past semester and I plan on doing it again this semester (pray for me because Lord knows I DESPISE Math classes).

On a side note... I am confused. I don't get the following bullshit:

Why do niggas talk to their exes but get pissed when their girlfriends do it?
Why in the HELL do "baby mommas" take advantage of the men theyhave children with and think that their will be no consequence?
Why is every Black person I encounter rooting for Hilary? When it was Jesse and Al they were all for it but now that it's a candidate with an actual shot they're just lookin around n shit. WTF!
Why does Heidi Klum's accent make a once-an-episode appearance on Project Runway?
Why why why WHYYYYYYY must celebrities continue to showcase their stupidity to the world via VH1? (And who the fuck said that New York was a celebrity? Like, what has she done other than get dumped a bunch of times by ugly niggas?)
Why do people stick around when they aren't wanted?
