Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Am I a Self-Hater?

I don't think I am but oh well. I use derogatory words very loosely out of pure humor. That bothers alot of people. Should I care? I don't but SHOULD I? I call people coons and jigs all the time because it's funny to me. I don't understand for the life of me why folks are so uptight about words. I used to think ni**er was the ugliest word in the English language. Sure it holds a little sting to it because it IS known as being the worst racial slur ever created. Years ago Blacks began using it as a term of endearment, I suppose it was thier way of taking it back from White folks. They would use it descriptively, laughingly, seriously, etc. Maybe they were screaming out to racists that this word could no longer hurt them, it was now THEIR word to use as they pleased and Whites were no longer allowed to use it.

But today as the word is used more often than ever, it's getting some folks uptight. I recently made a few comments on a messageboard about ni**ers shuckin n jivin in reference to the "coonish" dances that they do (ie Harlem Shake, Chickenhead,Chicken Noodle Soup with Soda on the side,footowork etc...). I understand that some of these dance originated inteh Motherland and some of them are apart of my history and culture....but they STILL look ridiculous. It reminds me of minstrel shows and shit when the Negro was used to entertain the White folk. If they get to make fun of us then why can't we make fun of us. I'm not doing anything wrong in my opinion. I love Black people, I love MY people. They are who I am. I'm not a self-hater...I'm just me.


The Humanity Critic said...

Great post. I agree 100% about the minstrel nature behind some of the new popular dances.

John John said...

Funny the most popular stuff from black folk are those dances , guns ,violence .The white label heads sign us black folk to their labels and do the same thing they was doing back in the day make money of us and ridicule our culture, slavery all over again.The difference now we house niggas can sit and talk about them in our blogs.LOL Loved yuh Blog.....