Tuesday, November 07, 2006



So I just got back from the polls...

first of all my State is irritating the fuck out of me. For Referendum we got Article 13 [making it possible for unmarried couples {INCLUDING GAYS} to receive the same benefits as married couples] and the Death Penalty Ref. to reinstate the death penalty in my state.
Can we get some muthafuckin educational help here? We have like REALLY low scores for grade school students. All the kids are dumb, classes are over crowded, schools are over crowded, there aren't enough books/supplies, the schools have no money, the city and the schools are partially segregated and so on and so forth....

Okay here's my stance on the first part. The entire state and its media has made this entire referendum about gay rights when in reality it's about UNMARRIED COUPLES. Whether they are gay or straight is irrelevant. Unmarried couples usually stay together MUCH longer on average than married couples. They live,work and play together and they bear and raise children together. So what if they aren't LEGALLY married....they behave like it so they should be granted the same rights as married couples in my opinion. If the referendum goes through then unmarried couples will not be granted the right to give their loved ones proper burial, file joint taxes, make life changing medical decisions or obtain life insurance policies. The divorce rate is so ridiculously high these days that a lot of people feel like if it's not broken they shouldn't bother fixing it. I totally agree.

As for the death penalty......
we are but mere humans and God never gave us the OK to take someone else's life just because they did something wrong. Let their asses ROT in prison for life without parole.


Anonymous said...

Life in prison is crueler punishment than death. Research the statistics on the suicide rate in prison. Most people with life sentences dont last more than 3 decades because either they kill themselves or someone else kills them.

.::Dolce:Amaro::. said...

That's why I voted AGAINST the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

If that's the case then basically you are torturing murderers slowly. If that's justice in your opinion then it's fine but I hate when people talk about capital punishment being cruel and life imprisonment being more humane. Most of the people alive in prison right now who are in there for life are so screwed up that they dont mind being there. Prison wont rehabilitate you if you dont want to change and most of them have no desire to change a thing.

P.S. Despite my ranting I must say that you blog is an interesting read and is now on my list of dailies.

.::Dolce:Amaro::. said...

Thank you for the compliment...it's appreciated more that you know.

However, I had someone VERY close to me murdered. They gave her killer the death penalty. I don't think that's right.Who am I to say "we're going to kill you because you killed someone"? That's not my place. But at the same time, some people are just that sick that if and when they're released they may kill again with zero remorse.Jeffrey Dahmer chased me down an alley with my cousin when I was 8 years old - someone murdered him while in prison and I don't feel sorry for him.

What do you suggest as a resolution?

Anonymous said...

You said something in your blog post about God not giving people the right to kill murderers but in the Bible (Genesis 9:6) God calls for mankind to avenge the death of murder victim by killing the murderer.

Religion aside I just dont think it is right for someone to live when they took that right away from someone else. Life imprisonment is a slow torture because, unless you have a purpose to live, prison will destroy you. On top of that it is a burden to taxpayers who have to pay to house these people. The best way I guess would be for those close to the victim to decide what punishment should be given. If anyone in my family were murdered I would seek capital punishment. Then again, I dont think my preference or anyone elses should be forced on the rest of society however, I am 100% against setting murderers free for the safety of the public.

.::Dolce:Amaro::. said...

Fair enough.You got some REALLY good points.I'm not a big Bible reader since I think alot of it is bullshit anyway.But that's another post....nice choppin it up with you Anon.....come back and visit me.

Anonymous said...

The thing about the death penalty and the bible is though... that the bible gives specific guidelines for when someone should be killed... for example: you're not allowed to kill someone on the basis of only one witnesses' testimony. This happens all the time in real life. Sometimes there aren't any witnesses at all.

Its difficult to justify things that happen in the American justice system with religion for the simple fact that there are too many institutional biases and too many inconsistencies in our system.

If we were to try and use the bible in this context then all murderers would be "deserving" of the same punishment: death. However, in real life, prosecutors determine which cases will be capital cases which infests the system with too many human prejudices and results (among other things) in an overrepresentation of people of color on death row. Furthermore...people plead to lesser charges, they snitch on others etc. There are many things that happen to make the application of the death penalty uneven and ultimately unfair.

At the end of the day...unless you plan to use the WHOLE bible in justifying the death penalty, you shouldn't use it at all.