Friday, January 12, 2007

Sha Boing Boing

So I was thinking...
Why is sex such an important issue?
I mean when did it happen and what's going on with the human brain that it becomes so corrupted that all we do is think about sex? Way back in the day sex was used SOLELY for procreation. And if you WERE having sex for pleasure then you were some kind of hobagslutface. Now there's very few people who only use sex for procreation purposes and most of the people who say they do are lying. I am almost positive. I'm fine with that. I'm even more fine with the thought of having wild hot sweaty monkey sex with the one I love for the sole purpose of uninhibited pleasure.

My question for the masses is....
when the fuck did this shit happen?
I've been scouring for days in search of the precise moment when America (and the rest of the World) became so oversexed.

Talk to me.


Unknown said...

There is really no evidence to suggest that humans ever had sex solely for reproduction. Humans and a handful of animals like dolphins are the only creatures on Earth who have been noted to have sex for pleasure.

As far as American being oversexed, that seems to have come about since America turned from Christianity to secularism in the 1960's. Extramarital sex was always around but people were discreet about it and those who were open with it were ostracized. There was a time in America when the word "pregnant" could not be said. The word "period" wasn't said in a television broadcast until the 1970's when it was used in a tampon commercial. TV shows would often show a married couple's bedroom having two beds where they slept separately. Once the so-called "separation of church and state" came about Christian morals began to erode and everyone started publicizing their vices. Open homosexuality, pre-marital sex, having children out of wedlock, etc. all came public about around the time of the sexual revolution in the sixties.

.::Dolce:Amaro::. said...

Thank You.
I'm enlightened. And you're my favorite person of the week!

Unknown said...

Why thanks. There's a museum of sex here in the NYC area and they have an exhibit on sex in American history. There were porn films made in the early 1900s and they had plots too. My aunt went to Pompeii, Italy and said that there was pornographic grafitti among the ancient Roman ruins. Prostitution is called the oldest profession for a reason. Humans have been enamored with sex since the time they realized that a penis could fit into a vagina. The only difference is that as times changed people just became more open with something that was once kept secret.

.::Dolce:Amaro::. said...

Hmmm....interesting. So I guess that the answer I was looking for is the separation of church and state. It was primarily religious mongers that made sex and all things sexual "wrong". If I had a cookie Gregory...I'd give it to you.

max said...


WhoSeas said...

you posed an interesting question. outside of the historical context given by gregory. I would say...we've always been oversexed. Now, its just popular to publicize it.

Unknown said...

Only a woman would ask this question. Sex has been a big deal since the beginning of mankind. If sex isn't on your top 5 activities then I feel sorry for you.
As far as I'm concerned there isn't enough sex. I'm tired of people making sex out to be so taboo.