Monday, December 15, 2008

What Shoe Doin?

So...Bush's dumb ass made a surprise trip to Iraq. A reporter threw a shoe...both shoes him. I'm not going to tell the whole story because I'm sure you've already heard about it. Apparently in much of the Arab world...throwing shoes is like spittin in your face or slappin yo mama. Straight dis-re-spect. So my commentary on this is as follows...

Can we give this man an award? A plaque? Name a side-street after him? Something?! Anything!? I don't care what it is, but he needs some positive recognition for this. I saw the video and found it ridiculously hilarious! I almost pissed on myself when he threw the second shoe. And on a sidenote: LMFAO! @ Dana Perino's black eye.

Bush is a complete moron. We all know this. He says and does things that make us question his IQ and his narcotic intake levels.


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