So....let me start by stating that I love my gays. They are some of the best people I know and I fully supported Prop 8. I wish that one day they can love like I do...on paper.
That's not what I wanted to talk about though.
So there's still this uber-heated debate about gay marriage. -eyeroll- And today they talked about it on Dr.Phil. :) This man made a reference to gay plight and black plight being the same. STOP! STOP! STOP! WAITAMUHFUCKINMINUTE!
Gays can and always have been able to do the following: sit where ever the fuck they want, drink from whatever fountain they want, go in which ever door they want to, go to any school they want, etc etc... Blacks have not.
A woman in the audience stood up and said,"You've never met an ex-Black person."
She had a wonderful point. Some gay people do (for whatever reason) become straight. Honestly I DO believe that being gay/lesbian/bisexual/etc is biological and not a choice. I'm not gay so I don't know what exactly makes them decide to be straight.
Anyway, I do believe though that society has shone such a dim light on the LGBT comminuty and made anyone that IS gay feel so inferior that it's brought on a new issue. Gay men in the Black community. The whole DL Brotha thing has gone on for awhile now. It hasn't gotten better. Since this issue has floated to the top gay men are more hated than ever. On one hand many gay Black men have felt empowered to break outta the closet (good for them!!!). On another hand many more feel even more afraid so they get married, punch out a few kids, put this macho man image on every morning and then they "go to the gym" late at night.
Why? They can't be honest. They'll let everyone down.
That's really all I have to say about it. I just don't understand why people have to be afraid to be themselves. It's not fair to them, their families or their wives.