Saturday, May 30, 2009


I need him to just stop. Seriously. Cut that shit...he looks like he's channeling Ray Charles. Ugh!

She looks like she KNOWS she fucked up. It's cool though. Ye, wtf were you thinkin anyway?

Paris Hilton and Queen Latifah attend the 37th Annual Fifi Awards at The Armory on May 27, 2009 in New York City. And they look MAD funny next to each other!!!

That's it for today!


Friday, May 29, 2009

Gay marriage and what not.....

So....let me start by stating that I love my gays. They are some of the best people I know and I fully supported Prop 8. I wish that one day they can love like I do...on paper.

That's not what I wanted to talk about though.

So there's still this uber-heated debate about gay marriage. -eyeroll- And today they talked about it on Dr.Phil. :) This man made a reference to gay plight and black plight being the same. STOP! STOP! STOP! WAITAMUHFUCKINMINUTE!

Gays can and always have been able to do the following: sit where ever the fuck they want, drink from whatever fountain they want, go in which ever door they want to, go to any school they want, etc etc... Blacks have not.

A woman in the audience stood up and said,"You've never met an ex-Black person."
She had a wonderful point. Some gay people do (for whatever reason) become straight. Honestly I DO believe that being gay/lesbian/bisexual/etc is biological and not a choice. I'm not gay so I don't know what exactly makes them decide to be straight.

Anyway, I do believe though that society has shone such a dim light on the LGBT comminuty and made anyone that IS gay feel so inferior that it's brought on a new issue. Gay men in the Black community. The whole DL Brotha thing has gone on for awhile now. It hasn't gotten better. Since this issue has floated to the top gay men are more hated than ever. On one hand many gay Black men have felt empowered to break outta the closet (good for them!!!). On another hand many more feel even more afraid so they get married, punch out a few kids, put this macho man image on every morning and then they "go to the gym" late at night.

Why? They can't be honest. They'll let everyone down.

That's really all I have to say about it. I just don't understand why people have to be afraid to be themselves. It's not fair to them, their families or their wives.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm 25 now.

Bout time. Happy Birthday to me! (May 9th -- yeah I'm late)


What up America? It's been about a month....

Well, I got some shit on my mind so bear with me.

Relationships are funny. There's this REALLY fine line between respect and utter disrespect in relationships and it's defined differently depending on the individual. It looks kinda like this: _________________ and if you cross it then that's your head.

Men tend to think the line is well-defined because they just aren't that emotional. They don't concern themselves with such things as stares, hugs, friendly words of endearment (honey, sweetie, etc) but it matters.

Anyway...stop that shit before you lose your penis.

And what is it about a man that he can't accept when his mother is wrong? If she's wrong she's wrong. Plain and fuckin simple. I don't care if she's ya momma or the neighbor down the street. Now I see why women have problems with Momma's Boys. They think their mother can do no wrong or they expect you to kiss her ass until it's wet. Uhm. Fuck that. Kthxstfu.

Random outburst:




Thursday, April 09, 2009

Fighting Temptations


So I was reading one of my favorite forums today and I came across a topic that I think is important to relationships. It was about being single and messin with a married individual.

Now just for ease of reading I'll write this from my own perspective.

If you're single and you just tryna smash or experience what it feels like to be with someone who is attached, even if it's a just in the moment type thing, that shit is so wrong.

This is how I look at it: If I see a dude that I think is gorgeous and totally fuck-worthy but I find out he's got a woman, I don't want it no more. I wouldn't want my man to do that to me and karma is a bitch. Also, how much respect do I have for myself and my fellow women if I'd be willing to do your man even though I know about you. I don't even FLIRT with dudes that are attached. And a lot of people use that whole "we ain't married" bullshit as an excuse. That's bullshit. You may be married one day. Maybe not to who you're currently with but to SOMEone. The dating process is when you build that trust for when you are married. You don't just start trustin this nigga with your life once you sign the fuckin marriage certificate.

What men don't understand is that in order for a woman to be completely head over heels in love with you; you have to give her a reason to. And men don't give women the proper credit. If I'm with you for say 2 years and we spend a LOT of time together. Please believe, I know you. I know what you like and what you don't like. I know all your facial expressions and how you're going to react in a certain situation. If your behavior changes, I'm going to notice it immediately and don't try to hide it, you just make it more obvious.

And LADIES! Why why why won't ya'll learn that if he wanted you to be his woman, you would be. New poon is just that new poon. When men flirt/cheat it's because they're looking for validation and excitement. Maybe he gets sick of talkign to his other half all day and night long...that's where you come in. To give new conversation and something new and shiny to look at. You'll get old just like all side-pieces do. Men are weak. They're like squirrels looking at aluminum foil.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Relationships & The Innanet: Facebook technology is rapidly expanding and we as people are using computers to breathe, the line between real life and Internet is thinning. Everyone either has a Facebook or knows what it is. On Facebook there is an option in your profile to state your Relationship Status. In the event that you are not Single you can state the person to whom you are dating or are married to (if that person is also a Facebook member). But WHYYYYYYY must it cause so many problems? I actually have the answer to that. ;)

On the Internet you can be whoever you want to be. You can write out how you feel or what you think without someone looking at your facial expression. You can also make it very difficult for people to gauge what you mean with a simple 'lol'. You could be dead serious about calling Gina a fat whore and then tack an 'lmao' at the end so that if Gina sees it, she thinks you're kidding. But it's also a breeding ground for e-flirting. Individuals that are in relationships or married sometimes think it's okay to flirt with someone because, "it's just the Internet". I agree. But (there's always a but) you cross that line when the person with whom your flirting with is just a mile or two away. Especially if this person is extremely accessible to you. If you hang out with the same people or at the same places it's really simple to take that e-flirting to fucking.

All it takes is a couple drinks, some sexual tension, and a whisper in the ear....BAM! You cheated. Now what dumbass? She leaned over and asked you if you meant what you said on Facebook. You say yes. Maybe you were lying, but you don't want to hurt her feelings. (Why the fuck you should care about her feelings is another blog.) Now she's really diggin you. She knows you got a girlfriend but you're giving her oodles of much-needed attention so she doesn't care. And it's obvious that you aren't concerned with your own girlfriends feelings if you'd go so far out of your way to make another broad feel special about herself. Then Facebook has this 'poke' feature - meant to simply capture someone's attention without sending a message and to be playfully annoying. Some people put the wrong context on it and it has become a signal of how much you want to or would poke them in real life.

So America, is Facebook flirting cheating? I think it is. You're giving a woman false hopes of screwing you, being with you or whatever you wanna call it.

And like I always say....if you can't do it in front of your significant other - then it's probably wrong.


Sunday, January 25, 2009


I'll never understand why people do the things they do.

Why do women:
  • wear clothes so tight they can't bend over...or breathe.
  • pile on gallons of makeup
  • bathe in perfume
  • complain that men don't love them for who they are (but they do the above)
  • whine about who/what they want but go out and get the opposite
Dumb broads.

Why men are so hung up on trivial things like:
  • a woman's hair length
  • the shoes she's wearing
  • the length of her dress
  • the amount of cleavage showing
  • her eye color
  • how "exotic" she looks
Who gives a shit.

And I could go on and on about how men have sex with ugly women. How they choose to be with someone they find unappealing then lust for someone else from afar. How they decide that a baby ain't theirs randomly. SMMFH!